Organic Gardening And You: Helpful Tips And Advice

In the world of organic gardening, there are plenty of great resources available to both new and experienced organic gardeners alike. There are many e-guides, books, videos, and other resources available. This set of tips contains some of the best advice for helping a good organic gardener become a great organic gardener.

If you have plants that are tall, support them with stakes. This will prevent tall plants from drooping over when they are heavy with blooms, which can look very messy. Support climbing shrubs with a lattice to keep the rambling vines under control and to prevent them from invading another plant area.

Weed the garden often and early. Plan on a weeding schedule for the garden at least three times. The first should be five to seven days after sowing, and again seven to ten days after that. The third time should be three to four weeks after planting, by this time the plants should be rooted well enough to add mulching and sufficient leaves to shade the surface.

Use compost that is homemade and free. Making a habit of using leaves, pulled plants and other organic bits, will create a rich and nutritious compost for the garden that is free and organic. Additionally, if an enclosed composter is utilized, kitchen scraps and garbage can be thrown in a mix for an excellent compost that is free also.

Try using a natural weed killer that does not contain harsh chemicals. Spray weeds with full strength white vinegar to kill them, and reapply as necessary if you see any new growth. Vinegar can also kill plants that you want to keep, so make sure not to spray it on weeds that are growing in the middle of other plants you do not want to kill.

To bring birds to your garden, add plants that will naturally attract them. One of the best plants for attracting birds are sunflowers. Birds are naturally drawn to their height and scent. Birds also love small trees like Japanese maples and dogwood trees, as well as most kinds of shrubs or vines.

To keep cats, snakes, and other critters out of your garden, use moth balls. Moth balls may not smell pleasant to us, but they smell even worse to most animals, and they’ll easily scare them away. Simply scatter a few moth balls at the edges of your garden. Moth balls can be obtained very cheaply from drug stores and dollar stores.

One way to slowly-water your plant is by using a plastic bottle, such as a 2-liter soda bottle. Punch a few small holes in the bottom of the bottle, fill it to the neck with water and replace the cap. Place it in the soil and use the cap to regulate the flow of water.

These tips are intended to help you become an excellent organic gardener. There is much to do and only a few particular ways to do it best, at the right time and under the most suitable conditions. You can use whatever information you find useful when you create your own beautiful organic garden.…

Premium Tips For Your Pest Control Needs

From tiny pests you can’t see with the naked eye to mammals you can’t get rid of, pests are obnoxious. Want to get rid of yours? This article will present to you many different ideas for tackling your pesky problem, allowing you to better your life as quickly as possible.

Having mice in your home can be a real turn off, not mentioning they carry diseases. In order to exterminate mice in a family-friendly way, use disposable mouse traps. Line the mouse traps with peanut butter to attract mice. After the mouse takes the bait, the mouse trap should slam shut, and you can safely dispose.

You should always fix any leaks in the plumbing of your house. You will also want to look for any other sources of water lying around. A place people often look is under their houseplants. Bugs tend to go places in which they can find water so they can drink and breed.

Use a specially trained dog to determine whether or not your home is infested with termites. A human that looks for termites may only be able to see if a third or so of your house is safe. A termite-sniffing dog, on the other hand, can detect termites anywhere in your home. These dogs sniff out methane gas, which directly comes from termites eating your wood.

Do you have a pest problem? Use a mix of borax and sugar to eradicate them. The scent of the sugar will draw them into the deadly borax. Get a jar, and mix borax and sugar in equal quantities. Make holes in the lid and sprinkle it on your home’s baseboards and foundation.

Remove full garbage from the home immediately. Garbage left sitting around for too long is one of the main reasons for pest invasions into a home. The minute your garbage is full (or even if it isn’t but it’s been out for awhile), remove it from your living area and place it in the proper receptacle for pick up.

If your pest problem is noisy crickets, then your answer is as easy as duct tape. Cut off a strip and lay it with the adhesive side facing up. Place in on the floor or ground near where you hear the crickets. It will attract them, and they will get stuck on it.

If you have a lot of trees or bushes around your home, prune them. This is a good way to prevent insects and animals from moving closer to your home, as they will not be able to transport themselves. Try to prune your trees at least once every few months or when they are getting too large.

Make sure that you mow your lawn frequently. Mowing your lawn is a great way to get rid of the excess matter that is in your front yard, and will kill some of the bugs left stranded. This is a good way to keep your area looking tidy, while reducing pests around your house.

When you’re being overrun by pests, you will look anywhere for a solution. Luckily, you’ve come across the article and the best ideas are here. Make sure you put them into practice and you should be able to get your problems under control and the pests zapped from your life for good.…