Why Termites Are So Damaging to Your Home

While you’re going about your day-to-day life, something diabolical could be happening right in your own home. If you live in the south and you’ve noticed strange, errant insects that you’ve never seen before, there’s a chance they could be termites and you’ll need to take action now. Here are four reasons that termites are so damaging to your house.

They Go Incognito

The frightening thing about termites is that they tend to live incognito in your home for years before you know. By the time you see a flying termite, it’s already too late. When you live in a warm climate, the time to get termite treatments Fort Myers FL is now, before there’s a problem.

Your Foundation Can Suffer

If you think tiny termites only do minimal damage, imagine what thousands can do together. Once termites have taken hold, they can eat through the wood that’s supporting your house. If this destructive teamwork continues, you could be looking at some very expensive damage.

Termites Exacerbate Allergies

Not only do termites cause horrific structural damage, they can also aggravate your allergies. Termites shed, not to mention create wood dust, so in large quantities, you can imagine how all those particles would exacerbate your allergies. If you’ve noticed you’re feeling worse than ever, termites may have something to do with it.

Even Dry Wood Isn’t Safe

There are several types of termites and while most prefer warm, moist conditions, others like dry wood. These kinds of insects could invade the inside of window frames or furniture. The most common, however, is the destructive eastern termite, so it’s best to take preventative measures and have an inspection.

They Cause Major Damage

Wherever you live, you’ll find pest dangers that need to be addressed. However, if you’re in the warmer parts of the country, staying a step ahead of termites is your best defense against major damage.